divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

Film: V for Vendetta

On November 5, 1997 in London. One night, a young woman called Evey Hammond decides to go into prostitution because of lack of resources that is involved. This action, given that Britainwas submitted under a totalitarian fascist dictatorship was against the law, and also in the hours that the curfew wasimplemented. Thus, when some police officers called "Men said"they saw it they have to rape her. At that moment a man wearinga hat, a mask and a black coat and the stop after the attack whichresponds by killing all the guards said. Then V, who was namedas the new character Evey decides to take a show that believes that it will have seen in your life. Having climbed to the roof, V, at twelve o'clock on the 5th of November activates a bomb thatdestroyed the Palace of Westminster with a series of fireworks.
File:V for vendettax.jpg

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